GTJZ8 Self-propelled Scissor Lift

  • Capacity:450kg
  • Working height:10m
  • 提升高度:8米
  • Table size:2.26*1.13m
  • Overall size:2.475*1.15*1.836m
  • Self-weight:2190kg
  • Color: Red

GTJZ10 Self-propelled Scissor Lift

  • 容量:320公斤
  • Working height:12m
  • 提升高度:10米
  • Table size:2.26*1.13m
  • Overall size:2.475*1.15*2.414m
  • Self-weight:2430kg
  • Color: Red

We received an inquiry from the customer through our website The customer wanted to purchase a GTJZ-10 self-propelled scissor lift. After a week of negotiation, the customer confirmed the order. However, due to the changing economic situation in Pakistan, the payment could not be made, so the client decided to pay from Hong Kong. The customer has been actively promoting the project, showing great desire for our products. About to confirm the order, the customer added a GTJZ-8 self-propelled scissor lift. I am very grateful to him for his trust in us. We gave him our best discount. And in order to protect the goods, all the products were packed in wooden cases.

This is a great deal!

GTJZ 8 Self propelled Scissor Lift

GTJZ 8 Self propelled Scissor Lift Parameters

GTJZ 10 Self propelled Scissor Lift

GTJZ 10 Self propelled Scissor Lift Parameters

Self propelled Scissor Lift control

packing of Self propelled Scissor Lift1

packing of Self propelled Scissor Lift2

packing of Self propelled Scissor Lift3

标签。 剪刀式电梯



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