A few days ago, a customer was very interested in our products, so once again placed an order for our products. As the customer is very satisfied with the quality of our products and service, he would like to visit our factory and inspect the goods this time. We welcome him very much.
We brought the customer from the airport to the factory, we showed him around the production shop and he was very shocked when he saw the construction of the factory facilities, saying "This is the first time to see such high-tech production equipment and such a big factory." Then, we take him to inspect the goods, let the customer personally operate the Articulated boom lift-RZ18, and carry out various tests such as uphill, turning and so on. Finally, we took the photos.
The customer said it had to be made in China. The customer trusted us more and more satisfied with the quality of our products and our service attitude.
مصنوع کی قیمت کی فہرست براہ راست اپنے ان باکس میں حاصل کریں۔