This customer was introduced to me by my friend, and the customer made an appointment with us to visit the factory. Because the customer had arrangements in the morning, we received the customer at noon. When arrived at the factory, the customer was so happy. During this period, we tested the GTJZ10 and the customer could operate it independently and skillfully. We were surprised that the customer said that he had purchased one before. But the operation's smoothness and workmanship are not as good as ours. The customer asked about security and other issues, and we gave the customer a detailed explanation. After the customer saw it, he asked me the price. I directly gave the customer our price. The customer was very satisfied and asked about several more models. I sent the price list to the customer afterwards, and the customer said he would arrange the purchase as soon as possible. I am very happy that customers can find the products they like.
If you have any questions or needs about our products, please contact me!
Obtenha a lista de preços do produto diretamente em sua caixa de entrada.