Ciseaux de levage

  • Hauteur de levage : 10m
  • Capacité : 500kg
  • Platform Size: 2100*1230
  • Weight: 1360kg
  • Qty: 2 


  • Load: 2000kg
  • Weight: 3100kg
  • Standard maximum lifting height: 3000mm
  • Qté : 1

This customer has been buying our products since 2022, and the customer is very powerful in Lebanon. The client was satisfied with our products and services after his investigation of our company and product.

The product selected by the customer this time is also our best-selling product, and the customer sells very well locally. If you have difficulties in Mid-East customs clearance and other issues, you can also find my customers to buy. If you have similar needs, please contact Ray Shen in time. WhatsApp Number: 0086 150 3733 4569.

Ciseaux de levage

Forklift 1

packaged scissor lift

packaged scissor lift and forklift

Tags : ascenseur à ciseaux
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