This customer has been buying our products since 2023, and the customer is compelling in Mexico. This is the second time purchasing equipment from our factory.

This time, the product selected by the customer is also our best-selling product, and the customer sells very well locally. If you have difficulties with Mexico customs clearance and other issues, you can also find my customers to buy. If you have similar needs, please get in touch with Ray Shen in time. WhatsApp Number: 0086 17337327832.

electric forklift

electric forklift 2

electric forklift 3

electric forklift 4

author Ray watermarked
Ray Shen
Correo electrónico:
WhatsApp: +86 17337327832

My name is Ray Shen and I have 2 years of international logistics management experience and 8 years of international trade business experience. I am committed to providing excellent customer service and giving my customers high-quality products at the best price. If you have any needs and questions about our products, please feel free to contact me, I'm very honored to help you solve the problem and be your sincerely partner!

Etiquetas: Montacargas eléctricos,Mexico
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