Our customer is a world-renowned multinational company primarily engaged in producing daily chemicals, desserts, and other products for major supermarkets worldwide. The parent company is based in the UK, while the end user is the Philippine branch. After extensive communication, the product's customization parameters were finalized, and the units were successfully delivered to the customer.

If you have any purchasing needs, feel free to contact me at any time.

My name is Ray Shen, and I would be happy to assist you with your equipment inquiries. You can reach me via WhatsApp at +86 17337327832.

Stationary scissor lift 1

Stationary scissor lift size 1 scaled

Stationary scissor lift size 2 scaled

Stationary scissor lift size 3 scaled 

forfatter Ray vandmærke
Ray Shen
WhatsApp: +86 17337327832

Mit navn er Ray Shen, og jeg har 2 års erfaring med international logistikledelse og 8 års erfaring med international handel. Jeg er forpligtet til at yde fremragende kundeservice og give mine kunder produkter af høj kvalitet til den bedste pris. Hvis du har behov og spørgsmål om vores produkter, er du velkommen til at kontakte mig, jeg er meget beæret over at hjælpe dig med at løse problemet og være din oprigtige partner!

Mærker: Filippinerne,sakselift,Stationær sakselift
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